Quartetto Indaco

Eleonora Matsuno – violin
Ida da Vita – violin
Jamiang Santi – viola
Cosimo Carovani – cello
The Quartetto Indaco was founded in 2007 at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole, thanks to the impulse of Piero Farulli and Andrea Nannoni, and is today considered among the most interesting Italian string quartets of its generation: Paolo Viola says of the quartet that is formed by "musicians who have achieved a magnificent sound and exemplary amalgamation, and who have fully entered the elite of the most important Italian quartets”.
The quartet is the winner of the 2023 Osaka International Chamber Music Competition (MK Award and String Quartet Biennale Award). In its career also received the Scotese prize in 2017, the Börsen Club Hannover and after winning the special prize Jeunesses Musicales at the International Competition “Premio Paolo Borciani” 2014, Q.I. was among the finalists of the same competition in 2017 and is awarded several international awards and scholarships, including the Golden Medal, Manhattan Concert Artist's Award and the Digital Album Award at the 6th Manhattan International Music Competition in 2022.
After graduating from Fiesole, the Quartetto Indaco follows specialization courses -one for all within the prestigious Accademia Chigiana with which he collaborates by playing concerts both in Italy and abroad.- with exponents of the major quartets of our time (among others, Hatto Beyerle and Günter Pichler of the legendary Quartet Alban Berg and Rainer Schmidt of the Quartet Hagen) obtains the Master in Chamber Music in 2017 at the Musikhochschule in Hannover, under the guidance of Oliver Wille (Quartetto Kuss).
“Compact ensemble, full of enamel and exuberance”, Quartetto Indacos highlights its artistic qualities in a vast repertoire, from classical to contemporary, with a particular predilection for 19th and 20th century authors.
In addition, the Quartetto Indaco carries out in-depth research on Italian authors and is dedicated to the diffusion of new musical languages.
Guest of prestigious music festivals and institutions in Italy (among others, I Concerti del Quirinale in Rome with live coverage on Rai Radio3, Società del Quartetto di Milano, Società del Quartetto di Bergamo, Unione Musicale in Turin, Friends of Music of Reggio Emilia, Festival“, "Paesaggi Musicali Toscani”, “Spoleto Festival dei Due Mondi”, Nuova Consonanza), the Quartet also performs regularly in Germany (Heidelberger Frühlings, Podium Festival, Goslar Musik Wochen) Switzerland, Ireland, Latvia, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Kuwait and Holland .
In the 2019/20 season the Quartetto Indaco made his debut at the Unione Musicale in Turin and at the Stradivari Festival in Cremona, performing with the pianist Uri Caine in a cross-over concert dedicated to Wagner. Furthermore, he was among the protagonists of the Beethoven complete "Roll Over Beethoven" promoted by the Accademia Chigiana of Siena: the two concerts held by the ensemble were particularly appreciated by critics who underlined how “the harmony of the execution allowed to the public to feel fully involved”.
The Quartetto Indaco also actively collaborates with internationally renowned soloists and chamber musicians, including Enrico Bronzi, Avi Avital, Julian Bliss, Franziska Pietsch, Josu de Solaun, Bruno Canino, Massimo Mercelli, Claudia Barainsky, Giovanni Scaglione. The quartet is dedicatee of many works by composers such as Giovanni Sollima, Federico Maria Sardelli, Alessandro Solbiati, Giovanni Bietti, Nicola Sani.
In 2020 the first Album is released, published with Ema Vinci dedicated to northern music entitled Northern Lights with works by Grieg, Sallinen, Rachmaninov and Cosimo Carovani (cellist of the Quartetto Indaco) with a work dedicated to the quartet.
For 2021 the Quartetto Indaco carries on the publishing and recording project Dante 21 in collaboration with the Contemporary Publishing House Sconfinarte of Milan, which involves 34 living Italian composers for the songs of Dante's Inferno. In 2022, in addition to the album "Miniature<" also published for the Sconfinarte editions, a concept album is released, which takes the name of Avalon -songs from a lost world, composed of arrangements by the same music quartet medieval, renaissance, European folklore and pieces composed ad hoc.
Since 2017 the Quartetto Indaco has taken part in the international project “Le Dimore del Quartetto” and since the same year he has been the quartet in residence of the Milano Classica orchestra and of the Paesaggi Musicali Toscani Festival.
Concert on Sat 3.8
Website Quartetto Indaco